EnBW chooses the GLT TUBE
A work completed in May 2022 by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP on behalf of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG confirms the advantages of the GLT TUBE using the example of the GLT TUBE 150 in the EF3.0 Climate Change impact category compared to comparable competitor products. Compared to fluorescent tubes, the GLT TUBE already has an advantage after 15 days, compared to LED tubes after 101 days. The energy efficiency and resource efficiency of the GLT TUBE is particularly emphasized.
A work by Fraunhofer IBP & EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Determination of the eco-balance of the GLT TUBE in order to be able to use it in the overall profitability calculation and implementation concepts of EnBW. Comparison of competitor products.
- Including consideration of the environmental impact, the manufacture and the end of life of the GLT TUBE, the benefits in the impact category EF3.0 Climate Change are already behind
> 15 days compared to fluorescent tubes
> 101 days compared to comparable LED tubes.
- Energy-efficient systems are crucial for a successful energy transition. Even with an increase in the proportion of renewable energies in the electricity mix, it is therefore worth switching to energy-efficient GLT TUBEs.
- In the future, the resource efficiency of a product will be of decisive importance for its profitability. These include durability and the reuse of as many components as possible.
EnBW opts for the GLT TUBE
Due to the outstanding overall economic and ecological balance of the GLT TUBE compared to the competition, including a reusable system for all GLT TUBEs, and based on the results of the Fraunhofer IBP, EnBW decides to replace the fluorescent tubes with GLT TUBEs in all areas of the company.