Deutsche Bahn - GLT is Quality Supplier
After thorough evaluation, the extremely high energy savings in combination with the longevity of the GLT TUBES were the main arguments for Deutsche Bahn's decision. By switching to GLT TUBES, Deutsche Bahn is also significantly reducing CO2 emissions and thus contributing to a better and cleaner environment. At stations from Hamburg to Freiburg and Saarlouis to Wittenberg, approx. 8,500 fluorescent tubes were converted to GLT TUBES by the end of 2022. The installation teams of German LED Tech will continue to travel to railway stations in Germany in 2023 to upgrade them with economical and ecological LED lighting.
With the GLT TUBE, Deutsche Bahn already saved this year
2,474,277 kWh
At electricity price of EUR per kWh that equals EUR .
GLT TUBE Count10,420
Annual power savings2,474,277 kWh
Annual operation hours5,400 h
Amortization periodappr. 8 months